Thursday, September 18, 2008

So when a bit of insomnia overtook me this morning at 3am, I started surfing the web in my usual fashion. Going from artist blog to blog when I came across a few pieces in the Santa Fe Clay cup show from an old teacher of mine, Chris Berti, who teaches at Parkland College in Champaign. Here's the link to the entire show here. These are his cups below....drat, now I really want to buy one!

I'm excited to see his work out there. It's not very often that I see it even though he is a very talented artist but then again I am a bit bias, he was my teacher and clay mentor for 4 years.


Ralph Nuara said...

I picked these 4 cups out for Chris to send to Santa Fe from the 20 or so that came out of the kiln! :)

April Rexroad said...

Awesome! Yeah, I really like them. Makes me want to buy one. I saw that one sold already.

Deb said...

Hi April-I saw that you were reading my blog so stopped by. I don't know if you have already found his blog, but I think you might like this guys work.