So I'm getting antsy to get my fingers into clay again! I feel a bit out of touch with that part of my life. I have been gone from home (and thus my studio) for the last five weeks and still have one week to go and I am READY! Ready to be home, sleeping in my own bed, makings things in my studio. Agh, I can't wait!
There was one very exciting thing that happened while I was here: I sold another piece on Etsy! To another potter, from Rochester, NY. She put it up on her pottery shelf in her kitchen:
Can you find mine? (hint: it's really quite easily spotted)
Her name is Carol and she is another Etsy potter; you can find a link to her work here.
Thanks again Carol, for supporting my work!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Posted by April Rexroad at 5:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: current work
Saturday, January 17, 2009
So this post is going to be a bit short because I (accidentally) stabbed myself in the hand with a thermometer today and my hand is a bit sore.
I wanted to write because I've been looking for inspirations lately and I found some really beautiful vintage script letters. I was thinking possibly for my new chop stamp that I've been meaning to make out of some extra blocks of plaster I have lying around.I actually really love the colors on this one. They are very vintage/scandinavian/60's/Medieval which I think is very fun!
This one is embroidered and the color palate is more in line with my work. I'm actually going to try and get a yellow similar to that one but maybe a bit more buttery. I have the test tiles but I haven't fired them yet. Once I get back home (I'm in NC training for my day job for 6 weeks), I will get those fired!
This one, I think, is my favorite! The leaves remind me of the swirly way the leaves are drawn on Islamic Pottery.
Posted by April Rexroad at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Arts and Crafts designs, floral patterns, William Morris
Saturday, January 10, 2009
A little work, a few pots
So I've been terrible about updating my blog lately. I was just in a mood where nothing seemed good enough and I was getting a bit frustrated with trying to sell my work (still am, but I'm a little more accepting of how hard it is now!). I did my first sale (as I talked about in my last post) and I sold one cup all day. Yes that is right, only one cup. I actually lost money on that one. But slowly I grow....there's a woman in Salt Lake City that is interested in selling my work at her store so I have hope again.
The bright side of that sale was really just the extra effort put in the month before to make new work. Since I didn't have my normal slip (it was still on order at Bennett) I had to improvise and the results were actually wonderful!]
Here's a few of my favorites:I love how the copper green blushes in little corners and how the lines look underneath the oribe. Also, if you can tell on the cup, the little dots go through the cup to show up on the inside so it's just another wonderful little detail. I love how the little dots feel!
And my very absolute favorite:This picture was taked at the show so it doesn't really show how perfect it is. One of the things I really love about it is actually that the bottom is so thin that the outline of a leaf that I carved into the bottom of it is actually transparent! It's a great little surprise when you're finishing your last bit of drink. I decided after the sale when it didn't sell that I was going to keep it and so I will (for now anyways!).
Posted by April Rexroad at 6:07 PM 2 comments
Labels: current work, firing, floral patterns, In the studio, new ideas